Reminder: junior keikokaiHerinnering: junior keikokai

Beware! Anybody who is still interested in attending the junior godo keikokai in Brussels on the 26th and 27th of January, will need to inform Heeren-sensei as soon as possible. Deadline for entry is the 10th of January. You have three days to act!Let op! Eenieder die nog mee wil doen aan het junior godo keikokai in Brussel heeft nog DRIE dagen om zich op te geven. Geef je op bij Heeren-sensei, nu het nog kan.

Summary: central trainingSamenvatting: centrale training

Today’s practice pulled in about 50 people (est. 15 beginners, 15 kyu-graded and 20 dan-graded), with four high-placed sensei and our honored chairman Odinot taking the lead. The agenda was as follows:

  • 25 minutes of joint kihon practice of hayai-techniques. Also, ki-ken-tai-ichi exercises.
  • 80 minutes of waza practice under Vitalis-sensei, while Wouters-sempai instructed the beginners.
  • 20 minutes break/lunch.
  • 60 minutes of jigeiko.

Under Vitalis-sensei, the group was split into mudansha and kodansha so everyone got from practice what they needed. We practiced the following techniques, some of which were new for many of us. Each technique was practiced 2×2 times, after which shugou was called in order to learn the next one.

  • Normal hiki-dou. A dou strike cannot be valid, as long as the opponent has not opened up; if the kamae is maintained, you can strike all you like without scoring. In this practice, motodachi would “help” by reacting to pressure, by lifting upwards a little bit.
  • A variant hiki-dou, using surprise. From tsubazeriai, smack your opponent’s left temple while putting your right foot more to the right (for leverage), which will cause a surprised reaction where he pushes his shinai towards his left/your right. Now the center has opened, so you can perform a hiki-dou.
  • A short-range hiki-kote. Starting from tsubazeriai, while maintaining pressure, put your left foot backwards a bit. Bring your shinai to your shoulder while kicking off, then strike kote where your tsuka goes to your left hip. Show zanshin while moving further backwards, by bringing your shinai back to your center, pointing upwards (not above your head).
  • Men, kaeshi-dou. This technique will simply not work if you’re not efficient enough in your movements. Swing up when motodachi is very near to striking your men, then strike dou using the same movement.
  • Men, suriage-men. Same as the above, you need to be fast and efficient.
  • A backwards men, suriage-men. Sometimes, your opponent will simply be too fast for you. It is then a very valid tactic, to back away from him. You can block his men using suriage, then perform a men strike with zanshin in the normal position (not hiki). Unlike a forward moving suriage-men, the backwards version requires a short pause between the deflection and the return men-strike. You want everyone to know that the strike is valid and not a panicked reaction.
  • Tsuki, suriage-men. You deflect motodachi’s tsuki with a very simple movement: you push your shinai downward straight through the center ever so slightly, over the top of his shinai. This will make the tsuki go wide, leaving you to strike hayai-men.
  • Nuki dou, where you strike dou even before motodachi can hit you. Obviously this means you need to be damn quick ;) No big movements! You do hayai-dou, where your shinai only goes to your shoulder, then you immediately strike!
  • A special nuki dou, which Vitalis-sensei was taught 30 years ago by his teacher in Japan. It had many people baffled! You perform nuki-dou, then quickly raise your shinai straight up, stepping backwards with your right foot while turning in-place while your opponent passes you. Turn to face him and resume kamae.
  • A special nuki dou, where you sink your whole body downwards right before the men strike connects. During this movement your shinai moves to the right. Move backwards to the left, while you strike the left side of opponent’s dou (which is not the side you usually strike).
  • Katate han-men. Another surprise technique where you quickly make a long-range attack. From kamae swing upwards, then step forward with your left foot and do a single handed strike to motodachi’s right temple. Move forward with reverse suriashi, or step through with right and use normal suriashi.

I got a chance to have jigeiko with three of the leading sensei.

  1. I didn’t receive any specific feedback from Barbier-sensei. I tried to use a few of the techniques we learned, combined with some of the stuff Heeren-sensei taught us. After a few minutes, Barbier-sensei asked me to do a round of kirikaeshi.
  2. I very much enjoyed my round with Castelli-sensei, who has a very enthusiastic and energizing personality. She let me try a few techniques, then took me aside to tell me (paraphrased): “You need to want your target. I see you hitting air, making a lot of movement, but never getting to where you want to go. I see you go for men, but you don’t get to my men. I see you go for kote, then don’t hit kote. You need to WANT to hit. You need to WANT to put your shinai on my head! Be hungry! You need to be like an animal of prey“. That was a very interesting realization for me! I hadn’t thought of it like that, but she’s right! The next few attacks I was a lot more focused, after which she took me aside again. “The Japanese say: ichi gan, the eyes are first. I see you very often not looking at your target. You strike my kote, but look somewhere completely else! Don’t! Eyes on the target!“.
  3. Right before the closing kirikaeshi, I had a very short round with Vitalis-sensei. At first I had offered to cede my position to mrs De Jong who outranks me, but Vitalis-sensei said I shouldn’t do that. “I don’t care if they’re 10th dan! In kendo you need to be hungry and egotistical to get the training you want. You need to be fast in dressing, first in line and scramble for practice with the teachers you want!” Based on the few strikes I made for him, he also warned me that right now I shouldn’t yet be trying “patient”/”waiting” kendo. “Make attacks! Make plenty of attacks! Right now you still have plenty of time to make plenty of mistakes. If two out of ten strikes land relatively close, that’s great!” Which certainly sounds a lot like what Kris-fukushou keeps telling me: I wait too much.

During closing, Vitalis-sensei shared the following remarks.

  • Beginners should really make sure to stretch their left arms properly. Don’t hook them! Upon striking men, your right thumb should be pointing to motodachi’s face and your left thumb should point at their tare.
  • Similarly, beginners should also often repeat the ki-ken-tai-ichi exercises: your right hand and your right knee are “connected” by a rope, both go up and down at the same time.
  • Those in bogu should work on efficient movements. Very often it is enough to work from your elbows or even your wrists! Shoulder movements are large and thus slow.
  • He also mentioned that 95% of us did not pass our opponents at maximum speed. Almost nobody actually speeds up after making the strike, which you really should be doing!

Het spijt ons, helaas is dit artikel alleen in het Engels te lezen.

Calendar updatedAgenda bijgewerkt

Just wanted to let you know that our online calendar and the iCal / Google Calendar that go with it have been updated. Our agenda currently matches what has so far been published by NKR and a few other dojo.Onze online agenda en de bijbehorende iCal / Google Calendar feeds zijn geupdated. Ze lopen nu gelijk met de tot zover gepubliceerde gegevens van de NKR en een aantal andere dojo.

Happy new year!Gelukkig nieuwjaar!

Renshinjuku kendo dojo would like to wish all our students and friends a happy new year! We hope that 2013 will bring you good health, success in your daily life and many improvements in your kendo!

We would also like to invite you to our New Year’s buffet, on the 12th of january. Please join us for our communal training and the “pot luck” feast that follows.Renshinjuku kendo dojo wenst al haar studenten en vrienden een gelukkig nieuw jaar! We hopen dat 2013 je een goede gezondheid, succes in je werk en veel verbeteringen in je kendo zal brengen!

We willen je ook graag uitnodigen voor ons “pot luck” nieuwjaars buffet op 12 januari. Doe mee aan onze grote groepstraining en eet gezellig mee met ons diner.

From the NKR chairmanVan de NKR voorzitter

Beste Allemaal,

De activiteiten van de NKR voor het jaar 2012 zijn beëindigd. Er rest ons nu nog een korte periode van rust, waarvan we allemaal goed gebruik moeten maken. In het nieuwe jaar liggen alweer vele gebeurtenissen voor ons. Ik denk daarbij aan de Nieuwjaars training in Zwolle en de Ishido Cup wedstrijden in Utrecht.

U moet mij maar niet kwalijk nemen dat ik nu beken, trots te zijn op onze NKR. Een uitgangspunt van onze doelstellingen is, dat we moeten proberen een goede levenswijze te volgen. Daarbij kan iemand zich gelukkig prijzen wanneer hij of zij ook nog tijd heeft om op vrijwillige wijze het gemeenschappelijk welzijn belangeloos te dienen.

Binnen de NKR zijn talloze leden, die bezig zijn met allerlei werkzaamheden , zoals secretariaatswerk, het bijhouden van de boekhouding, het bijhouden van een graden administratie, lesgeven bij kendo, iaido en jodo. Vele van die werkzaamheden zijn erg tijdrovend en de betrokken leden kunnen er van overtuigd zijn, dat ik hen uitermate dankbaar ben voor hun inzet.

Ook het komende jaar gaan leden hun trainingen voortzetten voor de deelname aan Nederlandse en Europese kampioenschappen. Alhoewel we dit niet als top prioriteit beschouwen van onze training, eisen die trainingen grote inzet. Maar al te goed ken ik de mentale strijd, de gretigheid om goed te presteren. Ook de pijn die soms onvermijdelijk falen met zich mee kan brengen. Ik ben er echter van overtuigd, dat dit alles onszelf sterker zal maken en dat we beter bestand zullen worden tegen dagelijkse problemen.

Mag ik U nu vragen door te gaan met Uw werk voor onze NKR en vooral te beseffen dat we dit gezamenlijk moeten doen.

Ik wens u allemaal prettige feestdagen toe en een goed begin van 2013!! Tot ziens in het nieuwe jaar.

Hein Odinot,

Celebrate ‘hatsumode’‘Hatsumode’ viering

Quoting the official invitation:


You are cordially invited to attend the celebration of Hatsumode (the Seasonal First Visit to the Shrine) on New Year’s Day 2013 January 1st.

Hotel Okura Amsterdam
Otter and Esperance Room
Ferdinand Bolstraat 333
16:00- 17:00

Free entrance
Donations appreciated

15:30 Registration of guests
16:00 Shinto ceremony: Hatsumode
17:00 Naorai (congratulatory toast with sake)
18:00 End

RSVP: Please reply before December 24th to confirm your attendance. Send to After December 24th you will receive a confirmation.

Hatsumode is the seasonal first visit to the shrine in order to receive the pure blessings of nature. During New Year’s Day the guests of Hotel Okura may visit a special shrine that is temporarily constructed (see picture below). Due to the gracious courtesy of Hotel Okura we can celebrate the Grand New Year ceremony for the 8th time. Since 8 is an auspicious number, we expect this ceremony will attract many guests. We recommend replying as soon as possible.

The ceremony will be performed by drs. Paul de Leeuw, Shintomaster and Yurie Umamoto, Miko.Geciteerd uit de officiële uitnodiging:


Hierbij nodigen we u van harte uit voor de viering van Hatsumode. Dit gebeurt op 1 januari 2013.

Hotel Okura Amsterdam
Otter and Esperance Zaal
Ferdinand Bolstraat 333

Toegang gratis
Donaties welkom

15:30 Ontvangst
16:00 Shintoceremonie: Hatsumode
17:00 Naorai (feestelijke dronk met sake)
18:00 Afsluiting

Op nieuwjaarsdag bezoeken miljoenen Japanners de plaatselijke shintoschrijn om het nieuwe jaar schoon te beginnen. Dit eerste bezoek aan de schrijn heet hatsumode.

Voor Japanners die in Europa wonen en die de nieuwjaarsdagen niet thuis in Japan kunnen vieren, biedt Hotel Okura in Amsterdam een speciaal nieuwjaarsprogramma. Hierbij hoort uiteraard ook hatsumode. Voor de 8e opeenvolgende keer zal drs. Paul de Leeuw in een van de prachtige zalen van Hotel Okura een tijdelijke shintoschrijn opbouwen, die de hotelgasten de hele dag kunnen bezoeken. Dankzij de welwillende medewerking van Hotel Okura kunnen we deze shintoschrijn ook voor u openstellen om een bijzondere nieuwjaarsceremonie te houden om 4 uur ‘s middags. De Ceremonie wordt uitgevoerd door Paul de Leeuw, Shintomeester en Yurie Umamoto, Miko.

Vanwege beperkte plaatsruimte wordt u dringend verzocht tijdig te reserveren. Na 24 december zult u een bevestiging ontvangen.

RSVP Graag vóór 24 december reserveren:

Kyu exams in AlmereKyu examens in Almere

In a few weeks, at the end of January, the Almere dojo will host their semi-annual kyu gradings. While they are in no way official ranks related to the NKR/EKF, our internal shinsa are a nice way of determining one’s progress.

Our internal exams are a nice preparation for the official NKR ikkyu shinsa, hopefully lowering any nervousness or fears student may feel. They are also a nice confidence boost for our beginners to whom kendo class may often seem like an endless repetition of “not good enough!“. Getting confirmation that you are actually making progress, which you might not notice every week, is very pleasant.

Students are advised to properly prepare for the exams, as if attending a real shinsa. Read through our shinsa prep guide and then read through our various study materials. Over een paar weken, aan het einde van januari, zal onze Almeerse dojo haar halfjaarlijkse kyu examens afnemen. Hoewel het niet gaat om officiële NKR titels, zijn onze interne shinsa toch een prettige manier om je voortgang te meten.

Onze examens zijn een mooie voorbereiding op de officiële NKR ikkyu shinsa en we hopen dan ook dat ze helpen om examenvrees te voorkomen bij onze studenten. Ze geven je hopelijk ook een boost in zelfvertrouwen, omdat kendo lessen vaak een opeenstapeling lijken te zijn van “niet goed genoeg!“. Het is erg fijn om op deze manier een bevestiging te krijgen dat je toch voortgang boekt!

We raden onze leerlingen aan om zich voor te bereiden als op een echte shinsa. Lees dus ons artikel over shinsa voorbereiding en lees ook door de verschillende studie materialen.

Summary of class, 18/12Samenvatting les, 18/12

Last night was a training out of the ordinary. Seeing how it was the last tuesday-night session for 2012, the turnup was smaller with only one sensei appearing and the group totaling out at roughly fifteen people (nine in bogu). While Roelof-sensei kept an eye on everyone for details, Kiwa-sempai led the advanced group in what I found to be a tremendously educational class.

The first half hour of class was spent on practicing kendo kata. I’m not aware of any pointers given out to other couples, but these are some that Nienke and myself received while repeatedly going through kata #3. This was under the watchful eye of Onno-sempai, Roelof-sensei and Kiwa-sempai

  • When lowering and raising the bokuto, do it slowly. Build tension.
  • When attacking, step in deeply from the hips (which is something Ran-sempai also corrected me on).
  • When defending and pulling back, you can either step back deeper and pull back through the center, or you can compensate for a too-small step by pulling back the bokuto off-center. The prior appears to be preferable.
  • When countering, the pattern is right-left-right-left-right, as opposed to what I had been doing: right-right-left-right-left.

The next half hour was spent on learning the bokuto ni yoru kendo kihon waza keikoho, also known as the kihon bokuto waza. This set of exercises is relatively new and targeted mostly at beginning students and lower-ranked kendo. Here, one practices the various techniques in kendo in a more realistic as well as entry-level setting: unarmoured and with a bokuto, which is shorter than a shinai. Much more information can be read in this excelent PDF. In class we practiced kata #1 through #3, which are:

  1. The four basic targets: men, kote, dou and tsuki.
  2. A successive kote-men.
  3. The harai-men technique.

The last half hour was dedicated to jigeiko. The beginners’ group joined Roelof-sensei for kihon practice, while the advanced group went through their desired routines. Roelof-sensei closed class with remarks regarding the fact that most people still over-use their right hand and that they need to focus more on the left hand. He also reminded us of the year’s closing, the fact that first class of 2013 is on 05/01 and of the buffet on 12/01.

Helaas is er nog geen nederlandse samenvatting van deze les. Alleen in het engels. Sorry :(

Dojo holidaysDojo feestdagen

Dear kenshi,

Please be aware that the dojo will be closed on 25/12, 29/12 and 01/01. Saturday 22/12 will be the last training of 2012 in Amstelveen. Almere’s last training was on the 15th, so they’re closed an additional week.

We will commence training on saturday 05/01.

In the mean time, we advise that all students make good use of this spare time, to do maintenance on their equipment! We don’t want to see splintered or damaged shinai in January!

Beste kenshi,

Helaas is onze dojo gedurende de feestdagen gesloten. Op 25/12, 29/12 en 01/01 is er geen training. Zaterdag 22/12 is de laatste training van het jaar in Amstelveen. In Almere is de laatste les al geweest, op de 15e.

We hervatten de training weer op zaterdag 05/01.

We raden alle leerlingen aan om tijdens hun vrije tijd hun shinai te onderhouden. We willen in januari geen splinters zien!