Renshinjuku on TVRenshinjuku op TV

A few weeks ago, a television crew visited our dojo to create a segment about kendo. Today, the 2nd of december, the programme was aired on Villa Achterwerk. The same program features a segment on another kick-ass sport: roller derby.

Here, you can watch the episode online. Our part of the show starts at the 46:30 mark.Een paar weken geleden werd onze dojo bezocht door een TV filmploeg om een segment over kendo te filmen. Vandaag, 2 december, is het programma op TV geweest. De zelfde aflevering bevat ook een stukje over een andere kick-ass sport: roller derby.

Hier kan je de aflevering online bekijken. Ons deel van de show begint op het 46:30 tijdstip.

Past sunday’s CTCT van afgelopen zondag

This post is about last sunday’s central training, and more specifically about the exam and preparations that were made for the exam (see this post for extra details on kata).

Because of last sunday’s exam, virtually all the classes right after the national championships up until the central training consisted of a lot of specific exam training. Some classes were entirely devoted to kata while others also had light kihon and jigeiko.

The general set up of a class was half an hour kata, followed by half an hour of very basic kihon (men, kote – men, dou, debana kote or men. Both quick and large) with finally half an hour of jigeiko. And as most kendoka were preparing for their first exam the kata mostly focused on were the first three.

As the time between the national championships and the central training was relatively short, Bert Heeren-sensei told us to focus on a single kata each week. Continuing onto the next every subsequent week. At the end of the 3 weeks a beginner of kata would then have sufficiently mastered the required first couple of kata for the exam.

However, even though everybody participated in kata training for the exam, not many of our dojo could participate in the exam because of the exam requirement that a candidate should have attended at least 3 central trainings including the training with the exam itself. But even so, 3 renshinjuka were able to participate in the exam itself, with others attending the non-exam part of the central training.

The central training itself was quite interesting for me, as I had never done an exam before. The setup was as follows:

  1. Warming-up, in which all attendants of the central training participated.
  2. Then the training was split up into 3 groups, beginners, regular attendants and exam candidates.
  3. The exam candidates were also split up into 3 groups (ikkyuu candidates, 1st dan candidates and 2nd and 3rd dan candidates. We all began with light kihon, kirikaeshi, large men and kote, small men and kote, and small kote – men etc. But also some debana waza, and a suriage technique was also practiced.
    Our teacher for the day, Koos van Hattum-sensei, told us that during the exam itself, we should just do what we already know. And that this practice was merely to give us some pointers on what to pay attention to, not so much to learn new things. So the suriage technique for example wasn’t something the ikkyuu candidates (or anyone who doesn’t regularly do this technique) should focus on.
  4. Then we went on to kata practice. This was our chance to ask for some last pointers to improve our kata.
  5. Then after a break the exams themselves started.

Please refer to this post for the following:
The exam itself consists of 3 official parts and a written examination. First a candidate had to show kirikaeshi and do jitsugi (basically a jigeiko specially for exams) twice. Then while waiting for the other candidates to finish their kirikaeshi and jitsugi a candidate would have to do the written part of the exam (called gakka). During this time those who could proceed to the kata part of the exam were announced on papers. So then exam was completed with the final kata part. All in all the entire exam with all the candidates took roughly 2 hours to complete.

In the end Nick Kistemaker from RSJ Almere and myself were able to attain our targeted ranks of shodan and ikkyuu respectively.

Nederlandse versie volgt nog!

Sunday: Central TrainingZondag: Centrale Training

Dear readers,

The 25th of November there will be another central training. This time with exams up to third dan.
Because last training had to be cancelled, there will be some changes:
• There will also be a beginners course. Beginners come and enjoy good kendo!
• The entry rules for the exams are changed. Instead of 3 central trainings in the previous year, this time you need only 2. If you needed the cancelled training to be able to participate, you still can!

Kind regards,
Joris Cornelissen
TC kendo, NKR

Full information can be found here.
Beste mensen,

25 november is er weer een centrale training in Amsterdam. Deze keer zijn er ook examens tot en met derde dan.
Vanwege het aflasten van de laatste centrale training zijn er een paar wijzigingen:
• De beginnerscursus zal dan ook plaatsvinden. Beginners, kom en geniet van mooi kendo!
• De toegangseisen voor het examen zijn versoepelt. In plaats van 3 centrale trainingen in het voorgaande jaar zijn er deze keer maar 2 nodig. Als je de afgelaste training nodig had om mee te mogen doen, dan kan dat alsnog!

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Joris Cornelissen
TC kendo, NKR

Alle nodige informatie staat hier.

Studying kataKata studie

The time has come to prepare for the 2012 NKR shinsa (kendo exams). As we already mentioned, the exam consists of four parts:

  • Kirikaeshi
  • Jitsugi
  • Kata
  • Gakka (written test)

Many things have already been said about kirikaeshi and jitsugi, so let’s spend a little more time preparing for the kata exam!


In his 2012 book “Kendo Coaching: tips and drills”, George McCall writes on the subject of kata:

If we look at the word KATA in Japanese, its usually rendered as 形. However, the actual proper usage is 型. Both read the same, but what’s the difference? The former simply means “shape” or “form.” It describes the form that something is in, what it looks like. The second kanji, on the other hand, is the thing that is used to create items of the same shape, in other words, a cookie cutter like device. 

Kendo-no-kata can therefore be thought of as a kendo shaped cookie cutter and the students who practice it cookies (hopefully kendo shaped). Although non-Japanese readers might not be interested in the difference, I think that one of the main purposes of kata study is revealed: i.e. kata training was/is traditionally thought of as one of the main vehicles to teach people correct kendo.

Kendo kata help us study proper posture, maai as well as seme. By practicing sword fighting in a simulated and choreographed fashion we can focus completely on the intricacies of our body, of our movements and of the connection with our opponent. We also learn to judge distance, which helps us in our kendo.

Also, while kendo is an abstraction of true sword fighting, the kendo kata approach “real” fighting closer. Both the techniques used, as well as our bokken help us understand the more serious side of our art which entails life or death situations. They’re no kenjutsu of course, but the kata are absolutely a useful tool in understanding and learning kendo.

Some suggest there is also a spiritual side to kendo kata. In Inoue-sensei’s “Kendo Kata: essence and application” it is said that kata #1 through #3 show the progression of a kenshi in his studies. While at first he will win a fight by outright killing his opponent, he will then move on to win by only dismembering. Finally the kenshi will grow so far that he does not have to strike at all, winning by pure seme (kata #3). The UK kendo foundation has some further reading on this subject.


Students first learning about kendo kata are advised to first observe a number of videos. The web is rife with kata videos, so we’ve taken the time to choose a number of good ones.

First up, there is a series of classic AJKF training videos (in Japanese). They are a bit dated, but they go over each kata in exquisite detail by filming from various angles and by zooming in on important parts. They also show examples of what not to do. Below are the first four kata, the other videos can be found under the YouTube account that posted these videos.

Another excellent video was made by Kendo World at the 2012 keiko-kai. While it only shows each kata once or twice, the demonstration is still very impressive.

Advanced reading

Should you be inclined to deeply study each kata in written form, then we heartily recommend Stephen Quinlan’s “Nihon Kendo no Kata & Kihon Bokuto Waza”. In this excellent and thorough document (free PDF) mr Quinlan analyzes each kata, which is accompanied by many photographs.

Helaas, van dit artikel is nog geen Nederlandse versie beschikbaar. Sorry!

Preparing for shinsaShinsa voorbereiding

In less than two weeks time the NKR will host its semi-annual kendo grading exams, at the November centrally training. A number of our Renshinjuku students will take part in these examinations in order to test their current level. For many of them, this will be their first grading outside our own dojo, so we would like to take this opportunity to provide some information on the subject.

According to the NKR website, the requirements for kendo examinations are as follows:

  • Kirikaeshi
  • Jitsugi
  • Kata
  • Gakka

The kata requirements differ per level. Ikkyu aspirants need to demonstrate kata #1through #3, shodan will show #1 through #5, nidan goes up to #7 and anything above nidan will display all ten kata. Aside from above requirements, there are also some formalities to clear, such as minimum age and a few payments.

For the purpose of this document I will limit myself to the ikkyu grading as I have no experience at all with the higher levels.

Before the grading, or shinsa, even begins there is the matter of proper presentation. If a shiai (tournament) would be compared to a business meeting, then a shinsa would compare to a gala: at the prior you are expected to dress and behave well, at the latter you are to act your very best! Apply proper personal care (nails clipped, hair properly kept, shaven if applicable) and make sure your equipment looks the part (proper maintenance, no loose ends, repairs where needed). Remove all dojo markings from your uniform and also remove your zekken. Make sure you wear your uniform and bogu neatly: no creases in the back, all himo at the same length, all himo lying flat, etc.

In kirikaeshi remember that it’s not a test of speed, but a test of skill. Show your best kirikaeshi by not rushing through it, but by paying attention to all details: footwork, timing, upswing through the center, downswing at an angle. Strike men at the proper angle and height. You are trying to strike ippon every time. As Heeren-sensei has pointed out repeatedly, your kirikaeshi should be performed in one kiai and breath.

Fighting in jitsugi should not be compared go shiai kendo, but instead is more alike to the jigeiko we do in class: it is not a fight for points. Instead, it is a fight to show and test skill. Do not be preoccupied with scoring points and with defending against your opponent. Focus on ensuring that the both of you show your best and high quality kendo. Show a
connection between yourself and your opponent, show proper seme, show zanshin and show an understanding of your opponent’s actions.

The kata examination should show a similar connection with your opponent. Kata are not a simple choreography, kata are a study in forms of a proper sword fight. If possible, take it even more seriously than jitsugi or jigeiko as the bokken represents a real blade. Make sure that you have memorized the forms beforehand, then lock eyes with your kata partner and commence the “dialogue” that each exercise is.

In all of the above examinations kiai is key. I was once told that “in the early stages of kendo, >95% of kendo is kiai“. Whether that is really true is another thing, but the essence of the matter is that kiai is important. It regulates your breathing, it vocalizes your intent and assertiveness, it impresses your opponent and it is part of yuko datotsu. Without kiai there is no spirit, without spirit there is no kendo only stick fighting.

At this level, the gakka (written exam) focuses on basic knowledge of kendo. Terminology, equipment knowledge, basic concepts as well as rules and safety are topics you may expect to find on the test. In preparation ensure that you are familiar with most of the terms in our dojo’s lexicon. The AUSKF also has an excellent gakka study guide, listing some of the common topics that you can be questioned on, including suggestions on what to study.

If you have questions about the upcoming shinsa, please feel free to ask your teachers. If you feel that you need feedback on your kendo in the next few weeks, please indicate this to your teacher.

Sorry, deze tekst is alleen in het engels beschikbaar.

TV recordings on 10/11TV opnames op 10/11

Dear kenshi,

Tomorrow, saturday the 10th of november, Renshinjuku kendo dojo will host TV recordings of VPRO programme Villa Achterwerk. The show takes a playful look at different sports, where anchorman Tim Haars gets to fully experience how tough certain sports are.

We will slightly adjust our training to accomodate these recordings. Of course, to provide a proper impression of kendo, it’s very important that as many kendoka as possible show up!

Don’t forget to bring your boken for kata training.

EDIT: Photos of the recording can be found here.Beste kenshi,

Morgen, zaterdag 10 november zal VPRO ten behoeve van het jongerenprogramma Villa Achterwerk TV opnames maken over kendo bij Renshinjuku in Amstelveen. Het betreft hier een opname met een frivool karakter waarbij presentator Tim Haars zelf gaat deelnemen aan een sport en ervaart hoe moeilijk deze is.

We zullen ons lesprogramma hier iets op aanpassen. Voor een goede beeldvorming is het goed als er veel kendoka bij de opnames aanwezig zijn.

Vergeet niet om je boken mee te nemen voor kata training.

EDIT: Foto’s van de opnames vind je hier.

Dusseldorf Cup results!Resultaten Dusseldorf Cup

Last weekend was an exciting one. First there’s the dutch national championships, but there was also the Dusseldorf Cup junior tournaments! Renshinjuku kendo dojo took part in these competitions and the results are as follows.

Without bogu (no age limits):

  • Misako Goto achieved 3rd place in the individuals
  • Shotarou Goto received the Fighting Spirit award in the individuals
  • The RSJ team of Misako, Yasutoshi, Kawanishi and  Shotarou ranked 1st place!

With bogu:

  • Yuki Yokota received the Fighting Spirit award in the individuals (10-12 years)
  • Ran Miyahara ranked 1st place in the individuals (16-18 years)
  • The RSJ team  of Yuki, Yasuhito Kawanishi, Kouki Tomokiyo, Haruki Yokota and Ran ranked 3rd place

Very impressive results! We can certainly be proud of our young members!Afgelopen weekend was spannend! Niet alleen deden we mee aan het NK Kendo in Vlaardingen, maar op zaterdag was er ook de Dusseldorf Cup voor junioren. De resultaten van onze deelnemers zijn als volgt.

Zonder bogu (geen leeftijdsgroepen):

  • Misako Goto behaalde de 3e plaats in de individuele wedstrijden
  • Shotarou Goto ontving de Fighting Spirit award in de individuele wedstrijden
  • Ons RSJ team van Misako, Yasutoshi, Kawanishi en  Shotarou behaalde de 1e plaats!

Met bogu (in leeftijdsgroepen):

  • Yuki Yokota ontving de Fighting Spirit award bij de individuelen (10-12 jaar)
  • Ran Miyahara eindigde op de 1e plaats bij de individuelen (16-18 jaar)
  • Het RSJ team  van Yuki, Yasuhito Kawanishi, Kouki Tomokiyo, Haruki Yokota en Ran behaalde de 3e plaats

Dit zijn erg indrukwekkende resultaten! We kunnen absoluut trots zijn op onze jonge leden!

Summary of class, 6/11Samenvatting les, 6/11

Class started as usual: running, stretching and suburi.

During seiretsu, Heeren-sensei indicated that we will be using the next few weeks to prepare for the NKR shinsa (25th of november). This means that we will not be focusing on shiai kendo, but on clean and proper kendo. Focal points for the next few weeks are seme, ki-ken-tai ichi, and zanshin. Pay close attention to your posture, to your footwork, to your strikes, so you can demonstrate your ability at its best.

In accordance with our study goals, today’s class focused on kihon practice just like last week. Using the motodachi system we practiced kirikaeshi, oki men, chisai men, oki kote-men, chisai kote-men, oki dou and repetitions of men, kote-men, dou, kote-men-dou. Students were encouraged to display proper kiai and to the timing of their footwork, which should match their strikes.

Heeren-sensei took a little time to demonstrate that oki dou starts out looking like a normal men strike. You start going for men and when your opponent raises his shinai to parry, you bring your shinai to your shoulder (or sometimes higher) and strike dou. As always it is important to:

  • Strike dou on the side and at the proper angle, coming down from the center line at a 45 degree angle.
  • On your strike, your hands are still at the center.
  • While stepping outward to the right, “cut” open the belly while keeping your left hand lower than the right.
  • On passing your opponent, the “cut” is finished by pulling it “through” opponent at which moment the shinai snaps into your center.
  • Show zanshin and then turn to face your opponent once more.

Heeren-sensei indicated that, to practice this dou strike, it is best that motodachi does not open up dou beforehand but that motodachi should only start opening when shidachi moves to strike men. He also suggested that, when paired against someone considerably shorter than yourself, you can slightly lower your posture by sinking down on your legs a bit.

Kihon practice was followed by fifteen minutes of jigeiko and of course kirikaeshi.

After class, Heeren-sensei reiterated that we need to practice proper and good kendo for the examinations. He also informed us that, starting next Saturday, class will include kata geiko which is also needed to prepare for the exams. He advised everybody to prepare by researching the kata they need to know and to watch a few videos. He also asked the kendoka with kata experience to provide guidance to their classmates.Vertaling volgt zsm. Excuses voor de vertraging.

NKK results: wow!NKK resultaten: wauw!

Last sunday the dutch national kendo championships were held in Vlaardingen. A few weeks ago Heeren-sensei had told us all he had an ambitious goal set for our dojo: at least two Renshinjuku members in the finals. Well, our 22 kendoka fought long and hard and we achieved this goal! Not just in the gentlemen’s competition, but in almost every competition there was!

The results are as follows:

Juniors  11-14 years old

  1. M. Tanida (RSJ Amstelveen)
  2. Y. Tanida (RSJ Amstelveen)
  3. B. Waarheid (RSJ Almere)

Juniors 15-17 years old

  1. H. Bediar (RSJ Almere)
  2. B. Verhaegh (?)
  3. ?. Akabu (?) and B. Smit (?)


  1. K. van Riel (RSJ Amstelveen)
  2. M. Wouters (Museido)
  3. C. Tanida (RSJ Amstelveen) and S. Chung (Fumetsu)


  1. J. van de Burg (Fumetsu)
  2. M. vd Woude (RSJ Amstelveen)
  3. K. Tsubota (RSJ Amstelveen) and  R. Nieuwenhuizen  (Fumetsu?)

Fighting sprit

  • S. Tanida (RSJ Amstelveen)


Great work everyone! That’s really impressive!Afgelopen zondag was het NK kendo in Vlaardingen. Een paar weken geleden stelde Heeren-sensei onze dojo een ambitieus doel: minstens twee van onze studenten in de finales. Nou, dat hebben we geweten! Onze 22 kendoka hebben hard gevochten en we hebben het doel behaald in bijna elke categorie van het NK!

De resultaten zijn als volgt:

Junioren 11-14 jaar

  1. M. Tanida (RSJ Amstelveen)
  2. Y. Tanida (RSJ Amstelveen)
  3. B. Waarheid (RSJ Almere)

Junioren 15-17 jaar

  1. H. Bediar (RSJ Almere)
  2. B. Verhaegh (?)
  3. ?. Akabu (?) and B. Smit (?)


  1. K. van Riel (RSJ Amstelveen)
  2. M. Wouters (Museido)
  3. C. Tanida (RSJ Amstelveen) and S. Chung (Fumetsu)


  1. J. van de Burg (Fumetsu)
  2. M. vd Woude (RSJ Amstelveen)
  3. K. Tsubota (RSJ Amstelveen) and  R. Nieuwenhuizen  (Fumetsu?)

Fighting sprit

  • S. Tanida (RSJ Amstelveen)


Fantastisch werk iedereen! Dit is een indrukwekkend resultaat!

Summary of class 1, 3/11Samenvatting les 1, 3/11

This summary is about the morning practice in Almere.

What with tomorrow’s dutch national championships being right around the corner, obviously we spent some time on practice shiai. Aside from that class followed its usual structure.

Kata practice was very cool, because today we introduced five of our newbies to the first kata. Until now they’d been doing footwork practice and suburi before warming up, while the rest practiced kata. No more! They spent twenty minutes practicing the shidachi (受太刀) side of kata #1, first as a group and then one-on-one with experienced kendoka.

After warming up we spent roughly fifteen minutes footwork practice: okuri ashi. First with normal slides, then with intervals (small-normal-large), then with fumikomi. Eight laps in total. We’ve discussed the most common mistakes:

  • Left overstepping right
  • “Horse stepping” with the right foot
  • The power of fumikomi driving upwards instead of forwards

Seiretsu was followed by kihon practice, where the beginners are again teamed up against motodachi in bogu. Sadly I cannot report on the exercises performed as there was a small, medical emergency to attend to. When the beginners joined the newbies with Ton-sensei, those in bogu (ten or evelen in total) practiced kihon and waza: chisai kote-men, chisai men, ai-men and kaeshi-do, followed by six rounds of ippon shobu jigeiko.

In practicing kaeshi-do Kris-fukushou explained that the do strike actually does not involve a step, but only fumikomi. You receive and parry the attacking strike in place and then strike do while doing fumikomi, standing in the same spot. You then finish your counter by moving forwards and showing zanshin. Of course, “standing in place” does not equal simply standing there and slapping a strike on do! No, you have to show proper attitude and aggression, you have to show intent and zanshin, and your strike should be technically perfect.

The shiai geiko was done with two teams. Every kendoka received some individual pointers from the teachers, to help them in their fights tomorrow. We were also advised to prepare properly for tomorrow: sleep early and well, don’t practice too hard the day before, check all your armor and shinai (repair any splinters etc), make sure you are properly dressed and make a good impression.Dit verslag gaat over de ochtendles in Almere.

Het NK kendo staat voor de deur, dus we hebben vanzelfsprekend aandacht besteed aan shiai. Buiten dat verliep de les als normaal.

De kata oefeningen waren vandaag speciaal omdat we vijf van onze newbies hun eerste kata lieten doen. Tot nu toe hielden zij zich aan het begin van de les bezig met voeten werk en suburi, maar nu niet meer! Ze oefenden de shidachi (受太刀) zijde van kata #1, eerst als groep en daarna één-op-één met ervaren kendoka.

Na de warming up besteedden we een kwartier aan voetenwerk oefeningen: okuri ashi. Eerst met gewone slipstappen, daarna met intervallen (klein-normaal-groot), daarna met fumikomi. In totaal acht rondes rond de zaal. Zoals eerder bespraken we weer de vaak geziene fouten:

  • Links stapt voorbij rechts
  • Hoog opstappen met rechts (“paardenstap”)
  • De kracht van fumikomi duwt opwaarts in plaats van voorwaarts.

Seiretsu werd gevolgd door kihon oefeningen waarbij de beginners weer tegenover motodachi in bogu stonden. Helaas kan ik niet zeggen wat er is geoefend omdat ik bij een klein noodgeval moest helpen. Nadien sloten de beginners zich weer aan bij Ton-sensei en hen in bogu (tien of elf in totaal) deden kihon en wazachisai kote-men, chisai men, ai-men en kaeshi-do, gevolgd door zes rondes ippon shobu jigeiko.

Bij het bespreken van kaeshi-do vertelde Kris-fukushou dat de do slag eigenlijk zonder stap, maar met fumikomi wordt gemaakt. Je ontvangt en parreert de aanvallende slag op de plaats en slaat do met fumikomi terwijl je blijft staan. Daarna maak je het af door voorwaarts te bewegen en zanshin te tonen. Vanzelfsprekend betekent “staand op de plaats” niet dat je als een zoutzak staat te wachten en dan maar eventjes do mept. Nee, je moet de juiste instelling en agressie tonen, je moet intentie en zanshin tonen en je slag moet technisch perfect zijn.

De shiai geiko werd in twee teams uitgevoerd. Elke kendoka kreeg persoonlijke tips en verbeterpunten mee van de leraren. We werden allemaal geadviseerd om goed voorbereid naar een toernooi te trekken. Train niet te hard de dag van tevoren, ga op tijd slapen, controleer je volledige bogu en je shinai (repareer ze goed), zorg dat je netjes voor de dag komt en maak een goede indruk.